Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to introduce you to my favorite new toy.......the Goodfellow by Vixen. I have to make something profoundly clear. I have always had some serious, deep rooted penis envy.This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate (yes. that's a fucking dickens quote. I know it's retarded but I'm half drunk and it's my blog so, fuck off). Yes guys. I'll be the first to stand up and say it. Penis envy is alive and well and thriving in the 21st century. I have a ongoing fantasy that I'm a German farmer in the 17th century and everyday i wake up and harvest my wheat until the sun goes down and I return home to plow my beautiful redheaded Irish wife that has given birth to my 8 strapping sons with my huge dick and then curl up and go to sleep on our sheep skin sheets. I don't pretend to understand why this has been an ongoing thing for me. I don't care. All I care is that it has continued to get me off over the years. I've also been blessed with a sexually adventuresome husband who loves anal. We've been playing around with a strap on for the last three years. The challenge is always finding a size that's comfortable for him and, of course, a bucket of lube. We've been stuck with this kinda lousy hard red scaly thing. It looks like The Predators dick. And judging by the look on my husbands face when I tried to cram it in his asshole, it FELT like The Predators dick. So we've long been on the hunt for a realistic looking strap on with life like texture that wouldn't quadruple the circumference of my poor husbands butt hole. After months of looking we found it.....THE GOODFELLOW!!!

When we opened the box I couldn't have been more excited. It's very lifelike and comes complete with veins and balls. I spent the first half an hour running around with it on, whacking my new cock on various surfaces and making my husband rub wieners with me. It was a riot. The most fun I've had in months. Then it came down to actual insertion time....and we ran into a little trouble. Our previous anal experiences have taught us the absolute necessity of lubricant in anal play, so we rubbed that baby down. It was like a goddamn slip n slid. Then I tried to insert it. It was like trying to push a live fish through a bottle top. That fucker was slipping and rolling around all over the place. . I couldn't even locate my husbands asshole without a magnifying glass. Everything was wet wet wet and slick as hell and not in a good way. I was so eager to make a go of this thing that the second I felt an opening in the anus, I made a wild plunge for it and rammed that thing up his butt like the running of the bulls. And then.....I hear this load POP!!!!!!! We both freeze. He's all red in the face, saying through a clenched jaw "take...it....out....SLOWLY...take..it...out." Which I did..... slowly. But we were determined and went for round two. After a little effort, we hit a home run!!! It was nothing short of incredible. The realistic look was such a turn on. I loved watching myself fuck him annd he had a seriously intense orgasm. He almost had and immediate double! Which would have been a first for us. It was a total success. We tried it again the next night and had a much easier time. I highly recommend this toy for any tranny loving, cross gender inclined, or just plain old adventurous couple. Come on kids!! Give it a go!!!
Four Squirts!
Pros: Life-like, easy to clean, attractive, can be used with most harnesses, great size for the intermediate anal player.
Cons: Can be difficult to get a grasp on this little fucker! But once you've tamed him, he's well worth the work!
Product Description: The Goodfellow Dildo line comes in four colors. Realistic and harness compatible, the dual density of the Goodfellow adult toy, combined with the revolutionary Vixskin material, results in a feeling so real it just might pass the blindfold
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